Client Success Story

The ACE Fiduciary Group

The Company

The ACE Fiduciary Group steps in for orphan elders when they don’t have anyone to act as their trustee or trusted agent, especially those with cognitive impairments.


Direct Hire

The Hiring Need

At The ACE Fiduciary Group, there is a lot of accounting work to be done for each case. A long-time employee handling the accounting duties was moving, requiring Fiduciary Officer and Executive Director, Loren A. Emmanuel, to search for their replacement. She began the search while the employee was still working for the non-profit, but the agency Emmanuel was partnering with was unable to send the right match. That’s where Century Group came in. Emmanuel happened to connect with the staffing and recruiting firm’s Walnut Creek Managing Director, Carolyn Sweeney, while the search was active — explaining her need for two part-time roles: Accounting Case Manager and Real Estate Case Manager.

The Solution

Century Group immediately followed up with Emmanuel, sending her qualified resumes that matched her needs and must-haves. Soon, one candidate began working with The ACE Fiduciary Group before the second came in to start their project. It just so happened it was the day before the county ordered its first Safer at Home order, requiring all employees to work remotely.
“It was a godsend,” Emmanuel says. “I only had a little experience with these two ladies, but they’re amazing. They do the job so well, have great experience and are so easy to work with.

The Result

Both professionals are now safely working in the office on an every-other-day-basis — something Emmanuel is pleased about.
“For almost everyone I hire, I’m using the temp agency model to find people and work with them for a while,” she says. “I’m really looking to build a team. And they’re great — I hope they stay for a long time and we can all grow together.”

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