Handling Burnout: Importance of Prioritizing Wellness in the Workplace

May 5, 2022
Handling Burnout: Importance of Prioritizing Wellness in the Workplace

Most employees have experienced feelings of overexertion and exhaustion at some point in their professions. Employees are at increased risk of burnout when these symptoms are persistent. How common is burnout in today’s society?

Burnout can happen for many reasons, but the most typical causes include:

  • Failing to establish a work-life balance
  • Working with people
  • Working in high-stress environments

That being said, certain groups are more vulnerable to burnout than others. Burnout is a typical occupational danger for some professions and has intensified since the pandemic.

Who is Affected

Workplace burnout isn’t just a minor annoyance that employees must overcome. It is a problematic and affecting issue that can have many dire implications in different aspects of your life. For some professions, experiencing burnout early on in their careers is considered normal. Women, people with young children and those with lower income levels are all at risk of increased burnout. The most prominent rate of burnout was for individuals whose incomes falls within the $30,000 to $60,000 salary range, according to these 2022 statistics.

What are the Consequences?

Workers suffering from burnout can generate a slew of issues if ignored. At first, there is tardiness and low performance. As time passes, workers’ performance deteriorates, and they may potentially acquire health concerns. The Great Resignation is perhaps the most visible manifestation of the widespread impacts of burnout.

So, What Can Be Done?

Unfortunately, there is no quick solution for burnout, particularly the intense form that many people are suffering from right now. So what steps can professionals take to begin the remedy?

For starters, say no more frequently and create structure. That can look like avoiding checking work email or taking work phone calls during specific hours or on our days off. It is critical to establish boundaries. Secondly, it is important to prioritize self-care. Finding out what re-energizes us is essential for preventing and treating burning out. You can also implement more breaks in your schedule. Whether that’s through mini breaks throughout the day or taking a vacation, making time for a pause is a must. Lastly, seek support if you feel like your burnout symptoms become unbearable. Try talking to your manager to see what resources your company offers for counseling and mental health.

For more tips on improving employee well-being in the workplace, read on.

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